
Conversation 1

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Phrases related to the conversation
Hvad hedder du?
Play sound
Play sound
What's your name? (What are you called?)
Jeg hedder John
Play sound
Play sound
I'm John
Hvor kommer du fra?
Play sound
Play sound
Where are you from?
Hvor bor du henne?
Play sound
Play sound
Where do you live? (Where live you at?)
Hvor længe har du været i Danmark?
Play sound
Play sound
How long have you been in Denmark?
Jeg har været i Danmark i to måneder
Play sound
Play sound
I have been in Denmark for two months
Jeg kommer fra USA
Play sound
Play sound
I'm from the USA
Jeg taler ikke dansk
Play sound
Play sound
I don't speak Danish (I speak not Danish)
Jeg taler engelsk
Play sound
Play sound
I speak English
Taler du engelsk?
Play sound
Play sound
Do you speak English?
Hvad synes du om Danmark?
Play sound
Play sound
What do you think of Denmark?
Er du faldet til i Danmark?
Play sound
Play sound
Have you settled down in Denmark?
Er du gift?
Play sound
Play sound
Are you married?
Har du børn?
Play sound
Play sound
Do you have children? (Have you children?)

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